Authenticity Guaranteed

Authenticity Guaranteed

At Luxe Du Jour, we pride ourselves on our rigorous authenticity protocol. We do not accept, sell or condone the selling of counterfeit goods. Every item undergoes a rigorous authentication process by our experts who thoroughly inspect each piece and ensure that only 100% of authentic items are put on sale. To meet the highest standards of excellence, and despite this rigorous process, we offer a 100% Money Back Guarantee on the very unlikely occasion that an item is proven to be a replica by a reputable professional authenticator, for a worry-free shopping experience.

We guarantee authenticity of all our items and offer a very easy and simple return policy for any item that is deemed non-authentic with proof from a reputable authenticator. Our promise to our clients is to stop the circulation of fakes and our clients never have to worry about being stuck with a fake bag.

We are constantly up to date with the highest authentication technology to ensure authenticity. We also train our product specialists to spot a fake within seconds. Make sure you subscribe to our email list. We send out fake alerts and tell you tips to spot a fake.

We truly believe that the luxury brands we sell are more than just a logo. They are symbols of passion, perseverance, beauty and craftsmanship.

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